Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997 - 5902)

Volume 33, September 2010


N’guessan Kouamé Antoine, Yao-Kouamé Albert, Ballo Koffi Célestin et Alui Konan Alphonse. Effet de la densité de plantation sur le rendement et les composantes du rendement de Lippia multiflora, cultivée au sud de la Côte d’Ivoire. (pages 2047 – 2056). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper- PDF]

Baiyeri K.P, Aba S.C. and Tenkouano A. Region of bunch pruning influences the bunch and fruit physical traits of ‘PITA 24’ plantain (Musa AAB) hybrid. (pages 2119)– 2127). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper- PDF]

C. Chávez and M. Araya. Spatial-temporal distribution of plant-parasitic nematodes in banana (Musa AAA) plantations in Ecuador. (pages 2057 – 2069). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper- PDF]

Anunda Henry N., Njoka  Fredrick M., Shauri, S. Halimu. . Assessment of Kenyan public perception on genetic engineering of food crops and their products (pages 2027 – 2036). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper- PDF]

Stratégies paysannes de maintien et de gestion de la biodiversité du maïs (Zea mays L.) dans le département de Katiola, Côte d’Ivoire. (pages 2100 – 2109). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper- PDF]

Baiyeri K.P, Aba S.C. and Tenkouano A. Timing of bunch pruning enhances bunch and fruit qualities of ‘PITA 24’ plantain (Musa AAB) hybrid. (pages 2110 – 2118). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper- PDF]


Nack Jacques , Tombi Jeannette, Bitja Nyom Arnold, et Bilong Bilong Charles Félix. Sites de fixation de deux monogènes Dactylogyridea parasites branchiaux de Clarias camerunensis: évidence sur le mode d’infestation par les Monopisthocotylea. (pages 2091 – 2099). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper- PDF]


DALLY Theodor, MEITE Alassane, KOUAME Koffi G, BOUAFOU Kouamé G M , KATI–COULIBALI Seraphin. Efficacité nutritionnelle de trois mets Ivoiriens: cabatoh à la sauce dah au nord; foutou igname à la sauce gouagouassou au centre; riz cuit à la sauce graine à l'ouest. (pages 2084 – 2090). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper- PDF]

Microbiological quality of sachet packed cocoa based beverage marketed in Ibadan, Nigeria. (pages 2070 – 2075). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper- PDF]


Assessment of heavy metals pollution in fungicide treated Cocoa plantations in Ondo state, Nigeria. (pages 2037 – 2046). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper- PDF]

Emmanuel COMPAORE, Léopold S. NANEMA, Saïdou BONKOUNGOU, Michel P. SEDOGO. Évaluation de la qualité de composts de déchets urbains solides de la ville de Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso pour une utilisation efficiente en agriculture. (pages 2076 – 2083). [Read Abstract] [Download Full Paper- PDF]

Cover page image:

Rots observed on the tubers of the krenglè variety after 4 months of storage. Rot is black in colour (L)
Rots observed on the tubers of the bètè-bètè variety after 4 months of storage. Rot is in of green colour(R). Credit: Patrice Kouamé Assiri, Hortense Atta Diallo, Sévérin Ake of Côte d’Ivoire

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Journal of Applied BioSciences

ISSN 1997 - 5902

The Journal of Applied BioSciences